Walk On, by John Goldingay

Reading this book is like having a wise older friend share his life experience with you. The valuable lessons that professor Goldingay has learned on what it means to follow God through all of life’s ups and downs will enrich your life. They can help us learn to deal with life as it comes, not as we want it to be. He is able to accept his role as caretaker for his wife, Ann, as a calling from God and is able to see her debilitating illness as a vehicle for her ministry to others. This book is full of profound and moving insights and stories. It is honest about life’s difficulties and doubts, but also embraces hope and life’s joys along the way. In this journey we are not alone. God walks on with us.

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2 Responses to Walk On, by John Goldingay

  1. Zmoney says:

    Great post and your 100% true 🙂

  2. Jason Button says:

    I agree. This was an excellent read and very much like sitting down with a friend! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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