Looking for something to read for Lent? I found this one, Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter, in 2003 and I’m using it again this year.
“For Breadth of scope and depth of insight nothing rivals this collection”, says on the dust jacket. I heartily agree! This collection of readings is the best supplement to Lenten and Easter devotional reading that I have ever used. I’ve never seen such a selection of great authors’ writings between the covers of one book. Each of the 72 selections are about 4 or 5 pages long. They are grouped into 6 sections that form a progression from the Invitation prepare for Easter by seriously examining oneself and following through on the themes of Temptation, Passion, Crucifixion, Resurrection and New Life. There are quite a variety of perspectives represented in these writings. Every one of them will reward the thoughtful reader in different ways. There isn’t a dull one in the bunch. These aren’t shallow “inspirational” writings. They will challenge and encourage, and sustain serious reflection. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I’d say that Malcolm Muggeridge’s “Impending Resurrection” was the high point. I highly recommend this book.